Authorization for Release of Medical Information

For use by a parent, or legal guardian, requesting medical records of a patient

Patient Information
Your Information
Supporting Documentation
Authorization to release my medical records
Information to Release
Disclosure of sensitive information
You have the right to refuse disclosure and prevent any other person from disclosing sensitive information related to the following conditions, treatments, or testing. Include (Indicate by checking below): Please note that the information will not be released if not checked.

Delivery Method
The purpose(s) for which disclosure is authorized (check where applicable):

Please Note
By signing this form, I acknowledge that MaineGeneral has privacy and security protections for my information, I understand that there are risks MaineGeneral cannot control. It is possible that my information could be read by a third party. I accept those risks by signing this form and allowing delivery of my records by mail or email.
I understand that:
  • Signing this Authorization is not required for receiving treatment, payment, enrollment and eligibility for benefits.
  • I can refuse to disclose some or all of the information in my treatment records. If I do so, it could result in improper diagnosis or treatment, denial of coverage, a claim for health benefits or other insurance, or other adverse consequences.
  • I can revoke all or part of this authorization at any time by delivering a written, dated and signed Notification. Or I can make an oral statement revoking this authorization to the facility listed above except to the extent that MaineGeneral Health has already acted in reliance on it. I am entitled to a copy of this authorization, upon request.
  • Information disclosed through this authorization may be shared again by the recipient and therefore no longer protected by privacy laws.
  • I can cross out any provision on this from with which I disagree.
  • Records are kept according to state regulatory guidelines. Some older records may not be available for release because they are beyond these retention periods.
  • Maine law allows reasonable fees to be collected for copies of medical records which may not exceed processing costs. MaineGeneral does not charge for copies provided for continuing care.